3 Smart Devices That Can Help Save Energy at Home
One of the best things about modern technology is the so-called “internet of things”. This principle aims to connect devices into one system that can perform several tasks in a given set up. At present, it benefits our homes more than any other environment.
A smart home isn’t called “smart” for nothing. It is a home where different devices are installed to make living easier and comfortable. A smart home offers energy efficiency, disaster preparedness, and ultimate owner control among other features.

Do you want to turn your home into a smart one? These three smart devices are a good starter. With these three energy savers, your home will surely trim down the energy consumption without compromising your comfort.

Smart Lighting
There are several advancements made to make the use of household lights as energy-efficient as possible. From using a compact fluorescent light bulb to shifting into LED lights, innovators are doing their best to provide energy saver lighting.
Smart lighting is a household lighting system that comes with heat sensors. The sensors detect if there is a person inside the room. The lights will automatically turn on and stay on as long as the room is inhabited. When the person leaves the room, the lights will automatically turn off.
Did you know that a huge part of wasted energy in the household is due to the lights being left on?
We often failed to notice this because we didn’t consider lights to be very energy-consuming. Some of us even developed the habit of not turning off the light. With smart lighting, turning the lights on and off is as simple as walking in and out of the room.

With a thermostat device, energy efficiency is possible with your air conditioner. A thermostat is a sensor that detects if there are occupants in the room. The air conditioner’s performance is adjusted accordingly depending on the people’s movement. Thus, even when your child forgets to turn off the AC after leaving his room, it will turn off automatically.
Another feature of a thermostat is that it can detect when a window or door is open. Openings waste so much of the AC’s performance. When a window or door is left open, the air conditioner will automatically turn off.

Energy Monitor
A sudden increase in your electrical bill can be distressing. We started to monitor household activities as though it would save energy. However, some of us cannot keep an eye on household electricity use for some reasons, such as the need to go to work. Good thing there is a smart device that can take care of the task for you.
Energy monitors are smart devices that come with mobile applications. It records the energy consumption within the house in a detailed manner. Using an energy monitor, you can keep track of the times of the day and parts of the house that consume a lot of electricity.

Adding smart devices into your house can do wonders in energy efficiency. Should you need to upgrade your house into a smart home? Lederlec can help, talk to us today to learn more about smart devices we can add to your homes.